In 2017, we purchased an automatic assembly and welding station from the well-known Finnish producer, PEMA MEK. It enables us to assemble and weld tanks precisely with diameter ranging from 1500 mm to 4500 mm, sheet thickness - from 2 mm to 25 mm (the machine load capacity: up to 25 tonnes) and maximal length of 20 m. The machine allows us to weld in plasma technology (21) and SAW (121).
Our plant is equipped with a state-of-the-art grinding and polishing system for tanks and dishes of the Spanish producer, Autopulit. We are able to grind and polish the tank jacket and its bottom in a very short time according to any customer-imposed finishing standards, including pharmaceutical ones. We can polish the interior of tanks as well as their exterior side. The tank boundary dimensions for these operations are compatible with the PEMA folding and welding line.
In 2017 we purchased a precise machine from the Slovenian producer, AVP serving for longitudinal welding process. The machine is equipped with a FRONIUS source allowing us to weld in TIG (141) and plasma (15) technology. The maximum length of welded element is 4 m.
Metal sheet folding machines are the basic devices in every tank production plant. We have at our disposal 3 coilers which in total allow us to fold metal sheets with thickness ranging from 1 to 20 mm. The coiler for thick metal sheets enables us to fold tthem with maximum length of 4 m. It is equipped with the CNC control serving for the repeatability of the entire process.
The equipment of our tank includes a plasma cutter equipped with KJELBERG current source of 280 A, allowing us to cut metal sheets with maximum thickness of 40 mm in case of acid-proof steel. The table dimensions of the cutter measure 2500x6000 mm which enables us to prepare large details.
The plant has at its disposal the wyoblarka for conical and flat bottoms with the maximum diameter of 4500 mm and the metal sheet thickness up to 8 mm.
We also have a CNC guillotine with cutting length of 4 m and metal sheet thickness for acid-proof steel up to 10 mm.